Welcome to Living From Vision, The Course that can turn Your Dreams into Reality

Let me introduce myself. My name is Ilona Selke. I am the CEO of LIVING FROM VISION®, a worldwide network of teachers of the LVING FROM VISION® course. and the MASTERCLASSES by Ilona Selke, and owner of the wellknown SHAMBALA Retreat Center in Bali
By now I am an internationally published bestselling author of four bestselling books, the latest book is called: Dream Big - The Univesre is Listening.
I have been teaching seminars internationally for the last 30+ years, my books have been published in many languages, and my husband of over 30+ years and I live in homes on three continents, mostly on islands.
But that was not always the case.
Like many people I had many dreams and hopes and wanted to figure out how this universe really works.
In my early twenties, at a time when I was making my meager income by giving massages, I took this life chaning course called Living From Vision®.
In the first LFV Course class, I was asked to dream BIG, and to pretend for a moment that all that I ever wished for, could come true.
I did dream big for back then: 1) I wanted my first laptop, 2) I wanted to swim with dolphins in Hawaii, and all the money needed for a 3-week vacation, and 3) I wanted to create a brochure, and 4) I needed to manifest all the money to pay my taxes of that year.
AND I wanted to manifest all four goals in those five weeks during the course.
To me at that time, these goals were huge.
Since then we have taught people from all walks of life HOW TO do the SAME.
Some of the LFV students were CEOs of big companies, some were unemployed at the time who later became beststelling authors and renowned seminarleaders. Tthey all advanced, each at their own speed, each made their own next step.
What matters is, that we grow and get better each day and increase our ability to shine light,
and that we are of benefit - not only to ourselves - but also those around us.
Such is the true secret to happiness.
People say they would have easily paid 10 X the amount for the benefits they received from the LFV Course!
By manifesting my goals I found myself growing into a magnificent person, helping others to create the life of their dreams.
We are co-creative dreamers of our life in the quantum and holographic universe. Each one of us can learn how to communicate with the universe at large and seemingly miraculously change one's live for the better.
The LFV course can teach you STEP - BY - STEP or take you to your next octave.
For the last 30+ years we have taught how to LIVE FROM VISION on all five continents, and we have taught how we utilize our multi-dimensional mind. It is like we are living in a gigant HOLOGRAM.
We can dream big and the universe is listening. What we change inside, we will see on the outside.
You too can start to shift radically in your ability to access this quantum dreaming mind, and get results. Many seem to 'know' about how to create, however very few people actauly seem to know how to create miracles on a regular day-to-day basis.
And if you may want to help others to co-create a better world and also teach others we have the LFV TEACHER & COACHES Training.
Watch the 10 minute interview on Hollywood Live! of Ilona Selke by Jack Canfield, by the famous author of CHICKEN SOUP FOR THE SOUL,
Click here to get the book THE BIG SECRET co-authored with Jack Canfield
How do you create your reality? We can teach you how to make your dreams come true!
Really, life at a deeper level is about developing the depth of our soul; and we do that while we learn to understand the laws of the universe and the 101 of creation. With each dream you manifest, you become a greater, brighter being. Really, our dreams are whispers from our future nudging us to evolve.
If you want to develop your power to create, to live in harmony with your intuition, and explore your life form the inside out, then THIS is the course for you!
This course Living From Vision® teaches whole brain thinking, imagery, relaxed focusing and immediate action.
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You can learn how to shape the fabric of life.
You can perform 'miracles' because you can learn how to do them.
- Less stress, increased creativity, ease at problem solving and manifesting your goals are some of the results people experience.
- Most people move from feeling ‘average’ to ‘very happy’. On a scale from 0 – 10 they move from 6.5 to 9 across the board in their self-assessment of their happiness level.
- You will be able to watch your goals and dreams come to life through the metaphoric method of manifesting.
- You may feel a glow develop around you as you start feeling that you are again in the driver’s seat of your life.
- You will feel more powerful and deepen your self-esteem.
- You will find your intuition and inner guidance becoming more accurate.
If you want to develop your power to create, to live in harmony with your intuition, and explore your life form the inside out, then THIS is the course for you! If you have seen or read The Secret, this course will allow you to put the Secret to work in your own life. Imagine that you are one of the people in the Secret telling their success story. This is the power of Living From Vision.

This course really delivers! A structured five-week course leads you to actually live what you truly envision.
- Discover your life's purpose
- How to manifest your visions, goals, wishes
- How to find and express your personal purpose
- Step-by-step methods to ensure your goals come to life
- How to deal with negative emotions, and make them work for you
- To handle stress effectively
- How to create a happy life, and sit in the driver’s seat of your life
- Develop your creativity…. yes, … write, sing, travel….
- Have the financial dreams of yours come true
- Develop your emotional and intuitive IQ
- Make the special projects you have been dreaming about come true
- Face your fears…. turn them around to become your allies
- Feel empowered
- Develop a higher version of YOU and live it
- Create your Ideal Pregnancy & Birth: Pre-envision your ideal birth scenario in advance
- Create your Ideal Health, Fitness & Weightloss: Utilize the power of your inner mind to create the health and body you want.