Living From Vision®
The LFV course will help you feel powerful and manifest your greatest dreams so you can live happily and fulfill your purpose in life. Life is about developing depth of soul; it's about understanding the laws of the universe, the 101 of creation. The LFV course was developed by Dr. Rdo Newton and Ilona Selke
Increase your brilliance and learn to effectively co-create a magical reality.
Ilona Selke Best-selling Author
If you want to develop your power to co-create, to learn how to manifest, to live in harmony with your intuition, and explore your life form the inside out, then THIS is the course for you!
This course Living From Vision® teaches whole brain thinking, imagery, relaxed focusing and immediate action. It is well known that new habits take about 40 days to develop. Which is why we offer you this 40 day study program.
No matter how many trainings you have taken, this course will give you wings. "It is a grand recipe that actually works!" (as quoted by customers world wide)
This course really delivers! A structured five-week course leads you to actually live what you truly envision. By dealing clearly with the feedback you encounter as your actions begin to manifest, obstacles are easily resolved, and the natural flow of creation comes through you.
This is a powerful course for anyone who wants more from their life, and is willing to commit to a process of creating it.
You will practice over the time period of 40 days:
- How to manifest your visions, goals, wishes
- How to find and express your personal purpose
- Step-by-step methods to ensure your goals come to life
- How to deal with negative emotions, and make them work for you
- To Handle stress effectively
- How to create a happy life, and sit in the driver's seat of your life
- Develop your creativity.... yes, ... write, sing, travel....
- Have the financial dreams of yours come true
- Develop your emotional and intuitive IQ
- Have time for yourself again ... b r e a t h e ...
- Make the special projects you have been dreaming about come true
- Face your fears.... turn them around to become your allies
- Feel empowered
- Develop a higher version of YOU and live it
- Read the testimonials.....
This LFV course is being taught in person, in a group of minimally 4 participants in 5 sessions over a 40 day time period.
Starting on 15. April 2017
6: 00 pm - 8:30 pm PST time
2-3 hours per session
This is the LFV-Online material and the LFV App as well as the LFV-Tutorial email series via from Ilona Selke at LIVING FROM VISION. If you need to purchase the LFV Online Course already, please email me at:
for $495 USD
CONFIRM your registration via E-mail:
You will find virtually every proven manifestation technique created to date. This course accompanies you every day in actually doing and manifesting what you learn!
This course is a distillation of the best, the Crème de la Crème of self-improvement technologies.
Based on the powerful ideas of Robert Fritz, Anthony Robbins, Ernest Holmes (Science of Mind), Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich) and other pioneers of manifestation and human potential.
Imagine living life as you want it to be, instead of as a reaction to the demands around you. Imagine finding out what matters most to you, and then manifesting your vision.
This course really delivers! A structured five week course leads you to actually live what you truly envision. By dealing clearly with the feedback you encounter as your actions begin to manifest, obstacles are easily resolved, and the natural flow of creation comes through you. A powerful course for anyone who want more from their life, and is willing to commit to a process of creating it.
What effects can you expect from this course?
- Less stress, increased creativity, ease at problem solving and manifesting your goals are some of the results people experience.
- Most people move from feeling 'average' to 'very happy'. On a scale from 0 - 10 they move from 6.5 to 9 across the board in their self-assessment of their happiness level.
- You will be able to watch your goals and dreams come to life through the metaphoric method of manifesting.
- You may feel a glow develop around you as you start feeling that you are again in the driver's seat of your life.
- You will feel more powerful and deepen your self-esteem.
- You will find your intuition and inner guidance becoming more accurate.
People have told us that they would gladly have paid $10,000 for the Living From Vision® course..... They have more than quadrupled their income....and manifested their deepest dreams.
We know that you will be so impressed and delighted with your results, you will suggest that your friends and family take the course!!
Included in the $495 USD is the LFV-Group-work-shop
All materials are designed to accompany you for five weeks, and beyond, to ensure that these methods are integrated into you daily life and not just into your mind.
So I ask you: "Are you ready to take on the ability....step by step, to create your life the way you really want to have it?
Are you ready to write happy stories for you life?"